Arcana Network, a groundbreaking player in the Web3 realm, has recently joined forces with the Vanar Ecosystem. This partnership introduces Arcana’s revolutionary modular Layer 1 technology to VanarChain, enabling developers and projects to seamlessly innovate and create within the ecosystem.
Arcana Network has experienced remarkable growth in the Web3 space, boasting over 100 partners on board, more than 21,000 SDK downloads, and the creation of over 2,000 apps. Their extensive expertise and innovative approach are now set to significantly enhance the VanarChain ecosystem.
The Vanar Ecosystem’s project portfolio is expanding with the addition of Arcana Network. The ecosystem now proudly hosts nearly fifty diverse projects across various sectors, including gaming, decentralized finance (DeFi), real-world assets (RWA), digital wallets, and NFT marketplaces. This expansion demonstrates VanarChain’s commitment to fostering growth and innovation in the blockchain industry.
In light of potential security threats, VanarChain highlights the importance of remaining vigilant. They caution community members to verify the credibility of information and sources to ensure their safety.
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Tags: NFT, Web3