Astar Foundation, a renowned organization overseeing the development of Astar Network, has announced a significant token burn. The company is initiating the burning of up to five percent of the ASTR tokens’ genesis allocation, equivalent to 350 million ASTR coins. These coins will be permanently removed from circulation, as revealed by the platform.
Astar Foundation Initiates Major ASTR Token Burn
An initiative for token burn has been approved through a governance vote, as confirmed by the company. Maarten Henskens, Head of Astar Foundation, shared his thoughts on this development, expressing excitement for the move. He noted the high level of engagement and support from the community for the proposal.
Henskens emphasized that the approval underscores the company’s commitment to fostering a collaborative and decentralized future. He mentioned that the company’s management is dedicated to shaping its path forward while setting a benchmark for community-driven blockchain projects. Moreover, he acknowledged the contributors and participants involved in this endeavor.
Before proceeding with the token burn, the company allowed governance participants an opportunity for discussion and voting on the proposal. Following its approval, the platform will initiate the token burn process. The 350 million ASTR coins from the reserve were used during the initial phase of the Astar dApp staking, resulting in rewards valued at around $70 million in ASRT.
Token Burn to Support Future Community-Focused Initiatives
The rewards will now be transferred to the Community Treasury on the chain, where they will support upcoming community-driven projects proposed by builders and users. The elimination of the aforementioned ASTR tokens from circulation will benefit the Astar community.
This token removal will reduce the overall supply of staked coins, leading to increased staking rewards to incentivize remaining participants. The token burn forms part of Astar Foundation’s broader strategy to reform the ASTR tokenomics and ultimately provide more value to the Astar community. The latest Astar dApp staking mechanism supports decentralized applications by distributing rewards directly to stakers and developers.
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