The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) has recently unveiled a groundbreaking feature known as Verified Credentials (VCs) with the goal of bolstering trust in public discussions while combatting the prevalence of bots and fake accounts on social media platforms. This innovative solution was officially introduced at the Digital Identity unConference Europe (DICE) 2024 in Zurich, Switzerland.
Verified Credentials Enhance User Privacy with Walletless Approach
Verified Credentials offer users the ability to swiftly and securely provide or exchange personal information without the need for traditional e-wallets. This walletless approach not only safeguards users’ privacy and anonymity but also grants them full control over their information.
ICP has expanded the capabilities of Web3 by transcending conventional blockchain and smart contract frameworks, integrating VCs into the Internet Identity (II) system. Internet Identity employs robust user authentication through passkeys instead of passwords, making it more resistant to phishing threats and offering a more secure and user-friendly sign-in method for websites.
Jan Camenisch, CTO of the DFINITY Foundation, emphasized the advantages of this new feature. Internet Identity’s Verifiable Credentials address longstanding issues in online privacy-preserving authentication, requiring only a computing device and browser with a passkey.
PoUH in ICP Ecosystem Aims to Reduce Social Media Manipulation
An essential aspect of Verified Credentials within the ICP ecosystem is the Proof of Unique Humanity (PoUH) feature. Leveraging the on-chain messaging system, OpenChat, and enhanced by Decide AI, PoUH links a credential to a biometric detail such as facial, fingerprints, or palm, ensuring that individuals can only create accounts with specific websites or applications.
The implementation of PoUH aims to combat social media manipulation by minimizing the prevalence of bots and fake accounts, particularly crucial as the 2024 National Elections approach with nearly half of the global population poised to vote.
A report from Queensland University of Technology highlighted the increasing instances of bots spreading misinformation. Verified Credentials and PoUH are anticipated to foster more positive, ethical, and meaningful conversations on social networks by reducing the presence of fake account holders and fake news.