Phishing incidents are on the rise within the TON ecosystem, sparking concern among users. Exploiting the open nature of the Telegram ecosystem, phishing links and deceptive bots are spreading through message groups and airdrops. These tactics are designed to steal users’ TON wallets, which may contain valuable assets like NFTs and Anonymous Telegram Numbers that are similar to mobile phone numbers and are used for creating Telegram accounts. If these numbers are phished, the corresponding Telegram account could be compromised unless Two-Step Verification is enabled.
A recent incident serves as a stark reminder of the growing threat posed by phishing. PeckShieldAlert reported that the address 0xfb94…ccfa was targeted by #Fake_Phishing187019, resulting in the loss of $11.2 million in cryptocurrencies. The stolen assets included 3,657.26 $aETHMKR, valued at around $8.76 million, as well as 1.245 million PT-sUSDE-26SEP2024 and 1.3 million PT-sUSDE-25JUL2024.
The escalating incidence of phishing within the TON ecosystem is a cause for concern. Users are urged to be cautious and enable Two-Step Verification to safeguard their accounts. Given the consistent nature of phishing tactics, it is essential for users to remain vigilant against potential threats.