Floki Inu, a well-known issuer of meme coins, has recently introduced its highly anticipated trading bot. The company took to the social media platform X to announce the launch of the “Closed Beta” for its bot, which is designed specifically for trading FLOKI, the native token of the platform. The project has been launched on the mainnets of Base, BNB, and Ethereum (ETH).
Exciting News: Floki Trading Bot Closed Beta Mainnet Launch
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Closed Beta version of the Floki Trading Bot on the Ethereum, BNB, and Base blockchains!
The beta version is currently open to the first 150 users on a first-come, first-served basis…
— FLOKI (@RealFlokiInu)
May 27, 2024
Floki Inu Reveals the Exclusive Launch of its Trading Bot on Mainnet
The company has made the project available to an initial group of 150 users, while also providing detailed information about the trading bot. According to Floki, the bot functions as an advanced multi-chain trading platform on Telegram, offering users a unique trading experience. With just a few taps, users can buy and sell crypto assets across various chains in a matter of seconds.
The company’s focus is to enhance the trading experience for users by providing convenience, speed, and improved efficiency. It emphasizes that the bot charges a one percent fee on each trade and utilizes FLOKI for its primary utility purposes. Floki allocates fifty percent of these charges for token buybacks and burning, while the remaining 50% goes into the platform’s treasury.
Platform Rewards Users Upon Completion of Assignments
The treasury aims to enhance the utility of the FLOKI coin while reducing its overall supply. The new project will run for a couple of weeks, after which Floki plans to release the public version of the bot, allowing everyone to use it for trading purposes. The company asserts that the Closed Beta phase creates a controlled environment, and participants will be rewarded upon completing assignments in the primary wallet of the Floki Trading Bot.