Chakra, a groundbreaking BTC settlement network powered by Zero-Knowledge proofs (ZK), has recently announced its partnership with the esteemed Starknet Foundation. This strategic collaboration aims to revolutionize parallelization and decentralized sequencing for the Madara Starknet Substrate stack.
Chakra, known for its Testnet, took to Twitter to unveil the exciting news, stating that they will be joining forces with Starknet to push the boundaries of parallelization and decentralized sequencing technologies for the Madara Starknet Substrate stack. The technical team from both Chakra and Starknet are set to work together to develop innovative solutions that will enhance the performance and functionality of Madara Starknet, benefitting its users in a seamless manner.
One of the key initiatives that will be pursued in this partnership is the implementation of optimistic parallelization using BlockSTM. This cutting-edge technology is expected to be released on the Starknet mainnet in the near future, marking the beginning of significant enhancements in transactions per second (TPS) later this year. These advancements will greatly improve the overall efficiency of Madara Starknet.
Another crucial aspect that will be addressed in this collaboration is decentralized and shared sequencing. This has long been a challenge in the Ethereum Foundation’s Layer 2 ecosystem as well. Chakra and Starknet Foundation will be working hand in hand to enhance the liveliness of block-building economics on Madara Starknet chains. By doing so, they aim to improve productivity and strengthen the network. Additionally, this partnership will introduce core innovations like zkThreads, further pushing the boundaries of performance, customizability, and profitability on Madara Starknet.
Developers will also benefit greatly from this partnership, as it will provide them with advanced resources to create more complex and successful applications. The efforts made in parallelism and sequencing are directly applicable to Chakra’s networking endeavors as well.
Moreover, the collaboration between Chakra and Starknet Foundation will result in the creation of cutting-edge infrastructure that addresses the scaling challenges faced by BTC. These innovative technologies will enable Chakra Network to offer comprehensive solutions that meet the increasing demands of BTC by incorporating these advanced tools.
The partnership between Chakra and Starknet Foundation is a significant milestone in the blockchain industry. By joining forces, these two entities aim to enhance the effectiveness and resilience of blockchain networks, making them more accessible and efficient for developers and users alike.
Overall, the collaboration between Chakra Innovations and Starknet Foundation represents a groundbreaking innovation in the blockchain space. With a focus on parallelization, decentralized sequencing, and cutting-edge technologies like zkThreads, this partnership promises substantial improvements in blockchain performance and scalability.